Sunday, August 22, 2010

And that's all folks....

     On Friday it was the end of our technology class, and the day we had to present our movies about how we would incorporate technology into the classroom. When it all started I didn't really think about whom I wanted to work with; because I didn't think it mattered because we all get along so well. During the making of this video that was tested a few times. We worked on our video a lot outside of class, which got people a bit testy and since there were five people in our group I know we all wanted to make sure our voices were heard. In the end it worked out amazingly well. The five of us were able to laugh at each others mistakes, and group think to come up with some great ideas. We were very laid back and wanted the movie to have a very organic feel to it, thus why we tried to do much of our taping outside. I feel that laughter was a key ingredient to our success and I can see us all working together on a movie in the future.
     I had a video production class in high school, so the terms and idea about how long it would take us to make a video was not news to me. I knew that it would take us hours to get a few minutes of footage and even more to perfect it as much as possible. Everyone had a role to do: we all filmed, had camera time, voice-overs, contributed to editing, and helped developed the idea for our video. When I saw it in class there are many things that I would have done differently, but with the time constraints we had to do it in I think everyone did well.
     This was my favorite project. I was able to talk about my teaching philosophy and actually apply what we learned in class to my own classroom. I was also able to be creative with few restrictions and requirements and had so much fun making our 7 min movie. It is something I will always remember and something I can show my students when they have the opportunity to make one in my class.

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