Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I took video production in high school on iMovie hd and so much has changed since then, but I still enjoy it as much at the age of 25 that I did when I was 17. Getting in front of the camera still isn't easy, but the editing is where I feel at home. I can be as creative as I would like, even in the time constraints that are given. Can you imagine only have three days to make a video about technology and teaching and have it be decent or entertaining? I just hope that it's possible. IMovie is a great tool and something that will be an option in any of my class assignments. It allows students who are more tech savvy play to their strengths. As teachers we need to make sure that we engage all students and allow them all to express their creativity whether it be a poem, or a podcast.
    My hesitations towards technology is softening a bit, I feel that I'm more connected with the web in general. When I searched my name on Google at the beginning of this technology class I could find nothing that linked me to anything, but old track & field or field hockey records. Now when I search Google, podomatic comes up as well as my blog. It's crazy that in the small amount of time we have had in this class my digital footprint has doubled. It seems to be a necessary evil in some cases. There are so many great tools, but to get those tools you need to attach personal information to it. Thus expanding that digital footprint that some of us have tried so hard to make minuscule. 

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